Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Carol & Anthony - September 1, 2007

Carol and Anthony were married over the Labor Day weekend in good ol' Front Royal! I had so much fun at this wedding! The ceremony was at St. Johns the Baptist Church downtown (beautiful stained glass windows there) and the reception was at the Shenandoah Valley Country Club. Enjoy a few of their pictures!

They did a "cake pull," which is apparenly a southern tradition. I had never heard of it, but maybe that is part of being from Michigan. Anyway, each bridesmaid pulls a charm from the cake, and the charms all have a meaning (like who will be the next one to be married). It was really interesting, and a definite first for me.

Congrats, guys!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Catching Up: Amanda Cogar - senior

Amy (or Ameh as her friends call her) is a senior this year at WCHS (though she won't really be taking classes there). She is such a cool girl and I had a blast hanging out with her. One of the great things about her is that she is unique and totally embraces that. She's all about being herself - and this first picture is totally an "Amy" look!

We spent the session mostly up in Winchester - and had a blast!

Check out her slideshow here!